Privacy Statement

We thank you for your interest in the Medical Valley Center Bamberg. Data protection is of particular significance to all project partners engaged (Medical Valley Digital Health Application Center GmbH, Mobile Health Lab Bamberger des Fraunhofer IIS, HTK Hygiene Technologie Kompetenzzentrum GmbH, Skills Lab Pflege und Patientenversorgung Bamberg der Bamberger Akademien für Gesundheitsberufe gGmbH, Medical Valley EMN e.V., City of Bamberg). Using our website of the Medical Valley Center Bamberg is generally possible without stating any person related data. If a person concerned uses special services via our website, processing of personal data through the city of Bamberg or the project partners might be required. If the processing of personal data is required and if there is no legal regulation for such a processing we generally ask for the permission of the person concerned. The processing of person related data, e.g. name, address, e-mail-address or phone number of a person concerned is always carried out in accordance of the General Data Protection Regulation. By means of this General Data Protection Regulation the Medical Valley Center Bamberg wants to inform about type, scope and purpose of the data collected, used and processed. Moreover, the persons concerned are informed about their entitled rights via this privacy statement.

Entity responsible for the processing of your personal data (controller):
City of Bamberg, represented by the Mayor Andreas Starke
Represented here by the Department of Economics, Investments and Digitization
Dr. Stefan Goller
Maximiliansplatz 3
96047 Bamberg
Tel.: 0951 87-1306

Data protection officer of the City of Bamberg:
City of Bamberg
Bernd Bauer-Banzhaf
Fachbereich 6A
Untere Sandstraße 34
96049 Bamberg
Tel.: 0951 87-1130
Fax: 0951 87-1139

Legal foundation for the processing of your data is a particular regulation of a special law. Furthermore, there are cases in which we process your data on basis of your agreement. This general information serves to let you know that you can be provided with further and more detailed information by the respective special service department that processes your data.

By means of this general information we want to draw your attention to the fact that you have the following rights in principle:

• to be informed about the purpose of the data processing as well as about the legal foundation,
• to be informed about the generall permission (see art. 6 GDPR) on which the person responsible builds the data processing,
• to be informed about the interest that is taken into data processing (see art. 6 GDPR),
• in case of your data being circulated, to be informed about the receiving parties or the category of the receiving parties,
• to be informed in the case of your data being passed on to third countries.

Furthermore, you might be entitled to:

• disclosure (art. 15 GDPR)
• correction (art. 16 GDPR)
• deletion (art. 17 GDPR)
• restriction of processing (art. 18 GDPR)
• transferability of data (art. 20 GDPR)
• objection to further processing (art. 21 GDPR).

Additionally, we are happy to inform you about:
• the period of the storage of your person related data,
• the revocability of agreements,
• your right of appeal with the regulatory authority,
• the commitment to the provision of your person related data,
• the scope and consequences of an automatic decision or measures of profiling (in case it is carried out).

In case of questions, you can turn to us trustfully.

Furthermore, there is a right of appeal with the Bavarian State Representative for Data Protection. The Representative can be reached by the following contact details:

Der Bayerische Landesbeauftragte
für den Datenschutz (BayLfD)
Wagmüllerstraße 18
80538 München
Postal address: Postfach 22 12 19, 80502 München
Phone: 089 212672-0
Fax: 089 212672-50

Please note that for any information concerning person related data proof of identity is required. Consequently, access to information via phone or e-mail is not granted.

To get informed about your rights and the individual regulations, please find the current legal text of GDPR via the following link: General Data Protection Regulation (legal norm)

Tracking / Cookies
In order to protect your privacy as much as possible, the city of Bamberg has decided not to use software for statistical evaluation of visitor access (so-called tracking software) and the cookies used in this analysis procedure.


Newsletter Subscription of Medical Valley EMN e.V.

On the website of the Medical Valley Center Bamberg users are given the opportunity to subscribe to the Medical Valley EMN e.V. newsletter. The input mask determines which personal data is transmitted to the data controller when ordering the newsletter.

Medical Valley EMN e.V. informs its customers and business partners at regular intervals by means of a newsletter about current events offered by the company. In principle, the newsletter can only be received by the person concerned if (1) the person concerned has a valid e-mail address and (2) the person concerned registers to receive the newsletter. For legal reasons, a confirmation e-mail will be sent to the e-mail address registered by a data subject for the first time for the purpose of receiving the newsletter using the double opt-in procedure. This confirmation mail is used to check whether the owner of the e-mail address has authorized the receipt of the newsletter as the person concerned.

When registering for the newsletter, Medical Valley EMN e.V. also saves the IP address assigned by the Internet Service Provider (ISP) of the computer system used by the person concerned at the time of registration as well as the date and time of registration. The collection of this data is necessary in order to be able to trace the (possible) misuse of the e-mail address of a data subject at a later date and therefore serves to provide legal protection for the person responsible for processing.

The personal data collected during registration for the newsletter will be used exclusively for sending our newsletter. In addition, subscribers to the newsletter could be informed by e-mail if this is necessary for the operation of the newsletter service or for registration. This might be the case if there are changes to the newsletter offer or if technical conditions change. The personal data collected within the scope of the newsletter service will not be passed on to third parties. The subscription to our newsletter can be cancelled by the person concerned at any time. The consent to the storage of personal data, which the person concerned has given us for the newsletter dispatch, can be revoked at any time. For the purpose of revoking this consent, there is a corresponding link in every newsletter. It is also possible to unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time directly on the website of the data controller or to inform the data controller in another way.

(Status: 28.04.2020)